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QTSP certificates and signing solutions
QuoVadis is Europe’s leading qualified trust service provider.
Now powered by DigiCert, QuoVadis is the only CA to offer the world’s most powerful PKI solutions with local compliance.
With DigiCert+QuoVadis, you can deploy and manage eIDAS-compliant QWACs and QeSeals for encryption and digital signatures/non-repudiation, securing all users, networks, documents and devices.
Sign, validate, identify and time-stamp documents and records according to European eIDAS and Swiss ZertES standards.

Identity. Security. Trust.
As a leader in encryption and trusted identity, QuoVadis+DigiCert maintains a suite of accreditations and independent audits. Protect your systems and users with the highest levels of assurance, including certification as a qualified CSP under ETSI standards.